Stronger Marriage Conference
How healthy is your marriage? Do you intimately know how your spouse thinks, feels, and behaves? Are you able to put that into words? Are you able to diffuse conflict quickly? Are you able to communicate in a way that your spouse hears you? Do you have more successful moments than unsuccessful ones? When you invest in your marriage, these things can and will happen along with so much more.
This conference has all of the great things of other marriage conferences but adds an understanding and use of CliftonStrengths, which opens up another world of how to interact intentionally and meaningfully with your spouse. We work through many powerful conversations that have practical applications that you can apply immediately.
Some of the conversations are as follows:
- Expectations: What? Why? and Really? – We all have them. Unfulfilled expectations are often the reason that we get irritated and struggle. In marriage, it is important to realize the expectations we have and properly communicate them to our spouse.
- Understanding and Harnessing the Power of Strengths – CliftonStrengths is a helpful language that allows us to define and give words to our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. After understanding what the strengths are, it is important to know how to use them properly.
- Marriage Vision: Beginning with the End – Living intentionally in marriage is key. Thinking well about your marriage and how you want it to be perceived gives you the power to make it happen presently. Without vision, plans fail.
- Love Well: Expressions that Matter – What does your expression of love look like? Is it perceived as love? Loving someone and expressing that love are two different things.
- Culture in Marriage – This conversation is not about marriage existing in the present culture, instead this conversation focuses on what is the present culture within your marriage. The focus will be, what does your marriage look like, from an honest perspective, and how to build a thriving marital culture.
- Perspectives Matter – Are you a good communicator? Are you a caring person? Do you handle stressful situations well? We often think the best of ourselves. We will see if perspectives line up with reality, and how to help them to do so.
- Creating Successful Systems – Whether it is realized or not, there is a system in place on how we do things. Some are more thought out than others. To help promote success in marriage, we will be discussing what systems are needed and what they should look like.
- How to Fight Well – This is often the most sought-after discussion in my pre-marital and marital sessions. Practical steps and thinking well about guidelines that should be put into place will allow you to have successful discussions when you are upset. Like many things, it is not easy, but definitely possible…even necessary.
Whether you have been married for months or decades, the Stronger Marriage Conference will equip, encourage, and excite you for what the future can bring by working on the present. This is not a quick fix, and it will not be easy, but it will be well worth it. We will push you to think deeply about your expectations, desires, and actions. We will provide meaningful moments of communication with you and your spouse and be available to have coaching moments to ensure that you can implement Strengths helpfully and productively.
When you leave at the end of the conference, you will have a new vocabulary to help navigate your marriage. You will come away having pinpointed some of the reasons you or your spouse thinks, feels, and behaves in ways that just eluded you before, and be equipped with practical steps to build a Stronger Marriage.
We are committed to building thriving, stronger marriages because your marriage matters!
Date: TBD
Location: TBD
Cost: TBD
Price Includes:
– Personalized Workbooks for each person
– Day and a half of guided conversations
– King Suite for one night
– Lunch on Friday
– Breakfast on Saturday
Note: The CliftonStrengths assessment will need to be completed before the conference if you wish to have personalized material. If you need to complete the assessment, when you register for the conference, you can choose to purchase a code at that time.