Building Stronger Churches
Churches often suffer from disunity in leadership, lack of defined mission, a misunderstanding of where people fit best, and a lack of transparency.
The church body is significantly affected by the leaders. As the leaders go, so does the church. When any of the problems mentioned above exist within leadership, they are amplified in the church body. We are called as Christians to push forward the kingdom, and we often allow our human attitudes and issues to get in the way.
Healthy churches can thrive when, through the Holy Spirit, leaders lead biblically with a defined mission and understand where people can serve best within their areas of giftedness. At Rice Leadership Group (RLG), we are passionate about helping churches build strong, healthy leadership that results in a strong, healthy body of believers. RLG uses proven methods to create a team of biblically sound leaders with a deep understanding and appreciation of every person on the team and their God-given strengths.
Utilizing the research and results behind CliftonStrengths, formerly known as StrengthsFinder, individuals discover their natural talents, learn how to invest in them, and then tap into those strengths day in and day out. Those innate, natural abilities are already present – sharpen them and bring consistent, high-level performance to the table every time! Those highly self-aware and self-regulated people with their specific sharpened strengths can then work together to create a well-rounded, successful God-glorifying team.
Having a Gallup Certified CliftonStrengths Coach assess and hone each team member’s talents brings unity, and health to the whole church. When each contributor has a chance to do what they do best, communication is increased, areas of need are taken care of, and health will be created.
Contact us for your free 15 minute Church Assessment and then let Rice Leadership Group help strengthen your ministry team into a unified, high-functioning team.

I honestly would recommend Rice Leadership Group no matter your organization, size, or situation. Knowing strengths has done more for me than years of learning about other types of personality profiling or studies. There is no better coach and teacher.